They always say a little maintenance can go a long way. With a regular tune-up on your car, you could be saving yourself time and money. How much do you know about car maintenance? Test your knowledge and learn a few tips on the benefits of getting your car a regular tune-up below! 

Benefits of Regular Car Maintenance

  • Extends Gas Mileage: From an oil change to checking the wear and tear of your tires, regular car maintenance will extend your gas mileage. Dirty oil over time will decrease your car’s gas mileage, making you not get the best bang for your buck. Less oil means more amount of work for your car and this creates less fuel. Get an oil change every 5,000 to 10,000 miles to ensure peak gas mileage. 
  • Long-Term Use: Your vehicle’s value and overall appearance will remain at peak performance, saving you from getting a new car. If you’re not looking to get a new car anytime soon, you may want to consider getting a tune-up on your car! 
  • Saves You Money: Most importantly, you will save money in the long-run with a regular tune-up. Whether it’s gas or getting new tires, a regular tune-up will ensure you of a quality, safe, car. Ignoring regular maintenance could result in engine failure or injury if the car isn’t safely equipped. 

Get your car a tune-up today at Automotive Specialties. Every 30,000, 60,000 or 90,000 miles is around the time you should get your car maintenance. Like going to the doctor for your yearly check-up, car maintenance is important to your time, money, and safety! Whether you require auto body repair after a collision or mechanical service on your vehicle, we have what it takes. We work on all models of cars and trucks, both foreign and domestic. Visit our website or call us at (630) 553-0397. We look forward to serving your automotive needs.